Smart Links – Mandel Initiative, Obama’s Football Throwing Motion, Drag Concept, Bear Bryant, Hemingway – 5/24/2012

I did a podcast with Stewart Mandel of, which you can listen to here.

Wherein I critique the President’s form for throwing a football for New York Magazine.

My podcast with CheeseheadTV’s Brian Carriveau.

– Friend of the site Dan Gonzalez now has his own website, and has a great three-part series on his “Drag” passing concept, which you can check out here.

Do yourself a favor and read this.

Purdue’s Nike Pro Combat uniforms.

The last ride of Bear and Billy.

Oh, that crazy Ted.

– For those so inclined, a 100-page compilation of Warren Buffet’s thoughts on inflation for the investor.

How to find good food in bars.

Hemingway in the Paris Review.

Make sure to “like” Smart Football on Facebook.